Friday, May 1, 2009

Our relationship is "fine"

I think we as couples can often forget that even though our relationship is "fine" we still need to put effort into it. All relationships have their ups and downs, but sometimes we are neither up nor down, everything is just "fine." We forget how wonderful the "up" times can be and stop striving for them. We can become static.

Having everything "fine" isn't necessarily a bad place to be. There is a comfort that comes with it. It means you aren't unhappy and things are probably going smoothly.

I think the problem with "fine" is that couples tend to let their relationship take a backseat to other things because they feel they don't they need to worry about it. Everything is "fine" so they don't need work to "keep the love alive," as the saying goes. Things start to get dull and boring. As women, when our husbands stop pursuing us, we often start to feel like he maybe isn't in love with us anymore and maybe we are undesirable. Husbands can start to feel taken for granted and unappreciated. "Fine" is fine except when it leads down this path. Then, all the sudden, fine is a problem.

As I said, there are much worse words you can use to define a relationship. "Fine" is after all, fine. However, wouldn't you like to define your relationship as "great," "wonderful," "happy," "fulfilling," or some other awesome adjective?

So, what's my point? We should always be mindful to never stop working on our marriages. Even when things seem "fine," we need to strive to "keep the love alive." When we think we don't need to pursue each other, we will suddenly realize things have become boring. In our marriages, we should remember it's about the journey. "Fine" is acceptable, but you can achieve more.

I encourage you to do something for your husband today to let him know you are still in pursuit of him. Dress nice and make him a special dinner, get him a card, buy him that inexpensive item he's been wanting, make him cupcakes and arrange them to say a message. I sent my husband a text message. Unfortunately, he left his phone at home. LOL. Be creative. Keep the love alive.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why I chose to blog about marriage

Within the last few years, I have come to realize that while I have a very happy and fulfilling marriage, many couples do not. For a long time, I just assumed the majority of couples were as happy as Mike and I. As I suddenly started to realize this is not true, God began to give me a passion for woman and marriage. He has given me the desire to see everyone happy, satisfied and fulfilled in their marriage. In my life, my marriage has blessed me in so many ways. Mike and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary a few days ago. My heart swells with happiness as I think back on our 10 years. Our relationship is the foundation of our family. I am secure knowing he will always be there. He is my best friend, my most trusted adviser, and my lover. I am a better mother because of him. My children are secure knowing Mike and I love each other and are committed to our family forever. They will grow up with a healthy view of marriage and have a model of what a Biblical and loving marriage looks like. When they get married, they will be better husbands and wives because Mike and I committed to having a happy and healthy relationship. A wonderful marriage is a blessing in so many ways. Do not misunderstand me, I am not deluded into thinking that any marriage relationship is perfect. I know they all have their ups and downs. All couples argue. But, knowing your relationship is strong enough to with stand the down times and come out better on the other side produces a confidence and a peace within you to move forward and keep striving for the best relationship possible. I wish for everyone to experience the peace and confidence I have found through having a great marriage. It is my desire for you to build an strong and unbreakable bond with your husband, for your husband to be your best friend, strongest support, lover, and life long companion.

I am a Christian woman. Everything I say will come from that worldview. I believe the Bible to be the true word of God and that it is applicable to every aspect of our lives today. I do believe that everyone needs Christ in their life and He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Faith in Him is the only way to salvation. However, I do not believe you have to be a Christian to have a good marriage, nor do I believe that just because you are Christian means you will have a good marriage. The practical things I will present can be applied by everyone.

Through this blog, I plan to offer my experience as an encouragement to you. I am simply putting my thoughts out there with the hopes that my experience and knowledge will encourage you in your marriage. If I say something you disagree with, please realize, it is not my intention to offend anyone. These are simply my opinions formed through a Biblical worldview. I realize not everyone holds the same views and not all of my ideas or thoughts will work for your marriage. Please glean from me whatever you need and leave the rest behind knowing I have only good intentions.